Good Governance
Youth for Peace is an initiative of SPADO for a non violent and peaceful world. SPADO is inviting youth to involve them in its peace related activities. SPADO youth will participate in awareness activities like seminars, conferences, sports events, exhibition and workshops. The main objective of involving youth in the campaign is to prepare young individuals to play a leadership role in future and to keep them abreast of the global peace and security situations. F...
Human Rights Protection
The people of Khyber Pukhtun Khwa (KPK) and FATA witnessed numerous violent acts in surge of terrorism especially on the Pak-afghan border. SPADO responded to the crisis and is striving to provide a protective and conducive environment to the affected children and communities in FATA and KPK. The main purpose of the intervention is to ensure a protective environment for internally displaced girls and boys and their families in IDP camps from further violence, abus...
Emergency Response
Antipersonnel mines and cluster munitions are indiscriminate weapons that injure and kill civilians in every corner of the globe, every day. They don't recognize ceasefires and claim victims long after the end of conflicts. They instill fear in communities and are a lethal barrier to development.
The Mine Ban Treaty (1997) is the best framework for solving the problems still posed by antipersonnel mines all over the world. The m...