Opportunity Announcement for ‘District Campaign Officer’

SPADO job opportunities


SPADO is a peace oriented non-political, non-religious, non-profit and non-government organization contributing towards a culture of peace and non-violence since its inception in 2002. The goal of the organization is to provide a peaceful environment to all human beings especially those living in poverty and marginalized communities where they can utilize their potentials for sustainable d...


Good Governance

SPADO, Capacity Building, Youth Engagement, Slider

Youth for Peace is an initiative of SPADO for a non violent and peaceful world. SPADO is inviting youth to involve them in its peace related activities. SPADO youth will participate in awareness activities like seminars, conferences, sports events, exhibition and workshops. The main objective of involving youth in the campaign is to prepare young individuals to play a leadership role in future and to keep them abreast of the global peace and security situations. F...


Youth Engagement

SPADO, Capacity Building and Networking for Peacebuilding

SPADO is currently managing a network of civil society activists comprising representatives of NGOs, religious scholars, political activists, academia and media representatives. The capacity building of the network comprising forty members was undertaken on lines of conflict analysis, mediation, dialogues, negotiation and communication and problem solving skills with the technical expertise of United States Institute of Peace (USIP) in 2009 for representatives of ...
