The relations between the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan have been volatile in the recent years. Due to constant allegations on one another the general public has also developed mistrust. The youth in these countries are the most easily exploited segment of the society. The long Afghan war and later on the unrest in Afghanistan and Pakistan have also contributed into a violent culture and intolerant societies. SPADO being a peace and development organization conceived the idea of the establishment of a Pak-Afghan Youth Council and in collaboration and financial support of British High Commission in Islamabad initiated the project.
To encourage a climate of trust and peacebuilding between the youth of Afghanistan and Pakistan by establishing a joint Pak-Afghan Youth Council on pilot basis.
The project served as milestone in engaging youth of Afghanistan and Pakistan for peace and trust building. It provided the future leaders with a positive and development oriented platform through which they can work for trust building, peaceful societies and harmony. This was a pilot project, on which we hope to engage more youth of Afghanistan and Pakistan in the future.
- An effective Pak-Afghan Youth Council established with 40 members from both sides.
- A baseline survey conducted amongst a limited number of Pakistani and Afghan youth to determine their perceptions of the other country;
- A dialogue arranged for the Youth Council on the topic of problems, opportunities and way forward for peace and trust building between Pakistan and Afghanistan;
- A media conference was held to formally launch the Youth Council;
- A seminar for the members with eminent scholars from Pakistan and Afghanistan was conducted.
- University trips arranged for Youth Council in Pakistan to allow more informal interaction between Pakistani and Afghan youth;
- FM (campus) radio and other radio interviews arranged for selected members from both countries;
- Post project survey conducted amongst a limited number of youth involved (directly or indirectly) by the project to determine any change in perceptions;
- An essay/article competition was held between the member of the Youth Council;
- Publication of a brochure reflecting the activities of the council was vastly disseminated;