Kofi Annan in his speech “Peace and Poverty” has rightly said that;
“For extreme poverty is both a product of conflict and a cause. It fuels frustration and hopelessness, which are key ingredients in generating violence. So poverty and conflict are inextricably linked. But while poverty is often cited as the ‘breeding ground’ of armed conflict, it is rarely the only root cause…Alleviating poverty and achieving peace, therefore requires us to address a complex range of issues that affect all sectors of society. Not only do we need courage from political leaders, and real commitment from the international community, but also the energy and involvement of civil society, and the resources and knowledge of the private sector”.
SPADO, as a peace and development organization recognizes that alleviating poverty could bring peace and the peaceful countries are managing to escape poverty more efficiently. In this regard, organization has adopted comprehensive strategies to build strong and stable societies. Our projects played important role in the provision of basic services like access to the clean drinking water, infrastructure and also economic empowerment of the poor people.